Raiderette of the Year Tori spent a week in Hawaii representing the Silver and Black during Pro Bowl festivities. She checked in with updates from her experiences in and around the 2014 Pro Bowl in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Game Day at Aloha Stadium. Photo by Jordan Fong.
Game day! We had our early morning breakfast like usual. Every day a Pro Bowl Cheerleader stood up to speak about her experience during the week. It's always inspiring when these fabulous women get up and encourage you to be a better person, tell that you matter and that the uniform that we wear is like a superhero costume. Kids and some people see us as these amazing people like they do with superheroes. I feel that we're showing girls and boys that we're normal like them. We can simply put a smile on their faces. They're just excited that we're talking to them. It's just an incredible feeling that little kids look up to you and you make them feel warm inside.
After we spoke at breakfast, we headed straight to Aloha Stadium and we had another mini rehearsal to go over some things before game time. Itit started to rain. We were all like, "nooooooo!" A lot of girls never experienced cheering in the rain so they were freaked out. Honestly I was so excited for the rain. Weird I know, but cheering in the rain puts a smile on my face. I feel like a kid again. It was just so much fun. We did a little performance at the tailgate party and each cheerleader introduced herself. All day I was feeling like a superstar.
Game day was the best. It was so relaxed that it was hard for me to give in and be mellow because I'm so used to my way of cheering. Our coaches just wanted us to enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity. It was the best time of my life. I'd love to live it over and over. It was just such an amazing experience. I met so many great new friends and we are already planning the reunion.

Tori poses for a photo with her new friends from the Eagles, Dolphins, Cowboys and Falcons. Photo by Jeanette Thompson.

Tuesday, January 28
Saturday, I had a normal early morning breakfast and after that headed to Aloha Stadium for Ohana Day and rehearsal. When we got there a lot of people were calling out for their team cheerleaders and taking pictures as we walked in.
But my favorite part of walking in the stadium was hearing MY RAIDERS FANS - THE RAIDER NATION chant "RAAAAAAIIIIIIDEEEEEEEERRRS!" It made me feel at home. It was awesome. Seeing my fans was like seeing my family.
We started Ohana Day and it was like a mini-rehearsal and it gave me a little taste of what the game would be like. It was pretty awesome, people wanting your autograph and wanting to take a picture with you…it was great! We also rehearsed with Fall Out Boy live which was AMAZING.
After Ohana Day we went to the hotel to get ready for the block party. Our days were non-stop every day. We got ready for the block party and there were hundreds of people surrounding the place. It was crazy and we had security escorting us to each stage.
We got to the first stage and I was just overwhelmed with joy. I felt like a superstar…it was the best feeling…like the people were there for just the cheerleaders. I almost cried when I hit the stage It was such an incredible experience. I'm just very lucky to have this opportunity. I'm tearing up just writing this.
I'm just so grateful for such a loving team; my teammates are the best. A few of my teammates traveled to Hawaii and they followed me to every stage and cheered me on. It was the best. I felt like a true superstar. My mom, dad and cousins came out and it was just awesome. I performed on three different stages three times. It was great.
Sunday was the actual Pro Bowl game. I just couldn't wait!

Friday, January 24
Today was a really easy day – first time this week! I just had early morning practice at Aloha stadium and we went over halftime and pregame routines. That ended at 11, then we went back to the hotel and pigged out.
Then we went to the beach and I took the BEST NAP EVER…on the beach…in the sand! Seriously, A few of my new teammates and I had a fantastic time at the beach.
Then we did a little shopping and headed to dinner.

Group photo from the Pearl Harbor Play 60 event.
**Wednesday, January 22
I had a blast with the kids at the Pearl Harbor Play 60 event. My line and I taught the girls one of our fillers [sideline routines] and had a blast with them. They were great and learned so fast. Some of them were already cheerleaders so it went a lot smoother.
After the routine with the girls, we signed a bunch of photo cards. It was so cute how they were super excited to get our autographs. It made me feel special and like I'm famous.

Then we did a huge performance in front of all the kids and players.
Later that day we headed to the Pro Bowl Draft Party where I had the time of my life. Performing In front of all those people and our fans was great!
We had rotating stations so we all got to do something different.

Tuesday, January 21, 9:00 p.m. PT
I'm on dinner break right now. We just finished our own Draft for the Pro Bowl Cheerleaders and I am on Team Rice, which is in orange. This morning I woke up at 5 a.m. to get ready for our swimsuit shoot.
I also had to give a mini-speech in front of all of the girls...just a little something about me. We also shot our huge group photo today. We had a lot of excitement going on and team bonding. It was fantastic! Now I'm getting ready to go to practice.
I'm having so much fun! I'm trying to take it all in and soak all of it in day-by-day, hour-by-hour.
I'm heading to practice now. We find out what lines we're going to be in and with whom.

Tori and some of her Pro Bowl teammates head over to the Pro Bowl swimsuit photo shoot - a new element for this year's festivities. Photo courtesy of Tori.

Monday, January 20
So, today was a crazy and eventful day. My flight was supposed to leave at 11:25 a.m. but we were delayed until about 1 p.m. Luckily, there were other Pro Bowl Cheerleaders on the flight with me, all from the East Coast.
I landed in Hawaii at 5 p.m. and had to be ready for rehearsal by 6:15 p.m. The rehearsal was action-packed; we went over all eight sideline routines and four fillers and learned a little of pregame as well.
Off to bed I go, so exhausted.
Tuesday, January 21
Heading to breakfast Raider Nation. We're getting ready to do a swimsuit photoshoot.

Tori and Chelsey, her teammate from the Arizona Cardinals, are wiped out after rehearsal. Photo courtesy of Tori.