Photos: Bonanza High School football team receives new equipment
The Raiders partnered with Intermountain Health to donate new helmets and cleats, plus funds for equipment to the Bonanza High School football team to kick off their 2023 season.

The Las Vegas Raiders partnered with Intermountain Heath to donate new helmets and cleats to the Bonanza High School football team at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

The Las Vegas Raiders partnered with Intermountain Heath to donate new helmets and cleats to the Bonanza High School football team at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Bonanza High School football coach Keith Jones speaks to his players before practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders manager of football development speaks to Bonanza High School football players before practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

A Bonanza High School football player warms up during practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Bonanza High School football players warm up during practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Bonanza High School football players warm up during practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

A Bonanza High School football player during practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

A Bonanza High School football player during practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

A Bonanza High School football player during practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

A Bonanza High School football player during practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

A Bonanza High School football player during practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Bonanza High School football player during practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

A Bonanza High School football player during practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders alumnus James Harris speaks to Bonanza High School players following practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders alumnus James Harris speaks to Bonanza High School players following practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders alumnus James Harris presents an equipment check to Bonanza High School football coach Keith Jones and his players following practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders alumnus James Harris and Raiderettes Maddie and Shayla pose for a photo with the Bonanza High School football team at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Intermountain Health Dr. Rakesh Kalra, MD speaks to Bonanza High School players following practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Bonanza High School football players cheer as they see their new helmets following practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Bonanza High School football players cheer as Las Vegas Raiders alumnus James Harris showcases their new helmets following practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Bonanza High School football coach Keith Jones checks out the new cleats for his team following practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Intermountain Health medical director Dr. Rakesh Kalra, Intermountain operations director Ida Will, Las Vegas Raiders alumnus James Harris and Raiderettes Shayla and Maddie pose for a photo with the Bonanza High School football team after receiving their new equipment at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Bonanza High School football players pose for a photo with their new equipment following practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Bonanza High School football players enjoy some Buffalo Wild Wings following practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.