Hometown Huddle 2012
Defensive backs Michael Huff, Tyvon Branch and Mike Mitchell participated in Hometown Huddle 2012 at Garfield Elementary School.

DBs Michael Huff, Tyvon Branch and Mike Mitchell participate in Hometown Huddle 2012.

Michael Huff, Tyvon Branch and Mike Mitchell get ready to hang out with the kids.

DB Michael Huff plays football with the students.

Safety Mike Mitchell leads stretches.

DB Michael Huff leads stretches.

DB Michael Huff and a young fan flex for the camera.

Huff, Branch and Mitchell pose for a photo with the UPS volunteers.

The three players lead the students in some stretching before going outside.

DB Michael Huff demonstrates the stretch.

The three DBs act goofy with the students recognized as leaders.

Michael Huff, Tyvon Branch and Mike Mitchell hand out autographed footballs to student-leaders.

SS Tyvon Branch gathers his team.

The defensive backs have fun playing outside with the kids.

SS Mike Mitchell watches his team play flag football.

SS Tyvon Branch has fun out in the community.

SS Tyvon Branch breaks it down.

The students get active playing football.

DB Michael Huff leads stretches.

DB Michael Huff addresses the students about living healthy and living united.

SS Tyvon Branch presents a student-leader with an autographed football.

DB Michael Huff signals a touchdown.

SS Mike Mitchell launches a pass.

DB Michael Huff pumps up his team.

SS Tyvon Branch chases after the young ball carrier.

The young student throws out the stiff arm.

SS Tyvon Branch hands the ball off.

SS Mike Mitchell gets ready to throw a pass.

SS Mike Mitchell turns to hand the ball off.

DB Michael Huff signals first down.

SS Mike Mitchell looks down the field to make the pass.

SS Tyvon Branch makes the students laugh during Hometown Huddle.

SS Tyvon Branch enters the assembly.