Toys for Tots
WR Rod Streater, QB Matt Leinart, S Matt Giordano and RB Mike Goodson, as well as Raiderettes Nicole and Sasha, participated in Toys for Tots.

QB Matt Leinart, WR Rod Streater, S Matt Giordano and RB Mike Goodson, as well as Raiderettes Nicole and Sasha pose with the Marines during Toys for Tots.

Raiderettes Nicole and Sasha pose for a photo with a young fan.

QB Matt Leinart and WR Rod Streater enjoy their interaction with Raider Nation.

RB Mike Goodson and S Matt Giordano pose for a photo with a fan.

The players interact with the fans during Toys for Tots.

Raiderettes Sasha and Nicole pose for a photo with a young Raiders fan.

WR Rod Streater signs autographs for the fans.

QB Matt Leinart signs an autograph for a young fan.

RB Mike Goodson poses for a photo with a Raiders fan.

WR Rod Streater smiles for the camera with a very young Raiders fan.

QB Matt Leinart and WR Rod Streater pose for a photo with the next generation of Raiders fans.

QB Matt Leinart meets some of his USC fans.

WR Rod Streater happily signs autographs.

A young Raiders fan gets her sign autographed by WR Rod Streater.

QB Matt Leinart and WR Rod Streater spend time with a young Raiders fan.

S Matt Giordano smiles for the camera.

Raiderettes Sasha and Nicole meet one of the youngest Raiders fans.

QB Matt Leinart signs autographs for fans of all ages.

RB Mike Goodson poses for a photo.

RB Mike Goodson meets a fan.

Raiderettes Nicole and Sasha pose for a photo with fans.

The Raiderettes meet the young Raiders fan.

RB Mike Goodson signs an autograph.

S Matt Giordano chats with a young fan.

The players interact with Raider Nation.

RB Mike Goodson with a young Raiders fan

QB Matt Leinart bonds with a young Raiders fan.

The players sign autographs and chat with the Raider Nation at Toys for Tots.

WR Rod Streater stands for a picture with a Raiders family.

RB Mike Goodson and S Matt Giordano are entertained by a passionate Raiders fan.

S Matt Giordano greets a fan.

S Matt Giordano signs the helmet for the young fan.

WR Rod Streater autographs a photo for the fan.

The guys pose for a photo with Gorilla Rilla and Darth Raider.