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Week 1: Raiders at Chargers

Coach Jackson August 1 Transcript


Q: Good time for a day off tomorrow?

Coach Jackson: Yeah they are happy about the day off tomorrow, obviously the plus 30 club: they get a day off, day on and a day off. It was a good day today and obviously we put the pads back on and things got a little testy out there, a little bit more physical and again the resiliency of this team, just to keep going at it and competing, they are hearing us as coaches. Again, as I keep saying what's very important to me. Our guys know exactly what we need to do to get better, we are a little sloppy but that is okay because it is to be expected. Our guys for the most part are getting the message that we have to become a very good blocking team, a very good team that knows how to get off blocks, and we need to become a better tackling team.

Q: We can hear out there you reiterating the message: to finish, complete and to do certain things that maybe haven't been asked in the past, what do you think the response is to that when they hear you on them after every play and every snap?

Coach Jackson: You know I think the key is to do that. Because I think what you emphasize you are going to get, and I just think the more you emphasize something the more your players start to understand, and believe that. That is what needs to happen. I think they are starting to get it; are we there yet? No and we don't need to be there yet. We are not playing a game and it is practice. I think the fact that we are emphasizing to finish, we are emphasizing seeing things and understanding situations. That's become our mentor as a staff is to make sure our players understand and I think eventually that is what they will do. I think they will truly start to understand that those will help you win football games.

Q: What emphasizes you to run such a vocal practice during camp and through the duration of camp?

Coach Jackson: Well I think I want to be heard. I don't think you can talk tough and speak out of a soprano voice. You know I think you have to talk with a little base in your voice so guys will understand what you are trying to accomplish and I truly believe that. I mean we speak that way. That is the communication with our players; I don't want them talking softly because we might be in a stadium where it is loud and nobody can hear you. So, plus  I think it gives our players a little more energy and it allows them to play with a little more zest, and as I told you it is about competing. Everything we do is about competing and if we compete and have that mindset, we have a chance just to raise that bar just a little bit.

Q: Rolando had a lot of zest out there today?

Coach Jackson: Yes, I expect his zest out there every day. He is one of our good players and our good players have to shine. I have great players that have to play great and they have to practice great, and that is truly what it is all about. In order to have a chance to play on game days as good as you can play, you have to practice that way. I think our guys; again, it is a collective team effort an issue that we have to raise the bar from every position. Obviously the linebackers are one of them but there is not a position on this team that I don't expect to make this next jump and I talk about it every day, and I am not going to quit talking about it until we do it. I am not going to keep beating that into them that there is an expectation, there is an effort level that you guys have to practice at. You're not going to feel good there are going to be days it doesn't feel good, days you don't want to, days you going to get tired of hearing me yell and scream but I don't care. I am going to keep yelling and screaming because that is just the way it is going to be.

Q: How close do you have to watch Darren McFadden out their; I mean he is your star player and you want him to set the example every single snap but your still only five days in and have a long way to go?

Coach Jackson: You see what I did with him; I put him off to the side. As I told you guys it is my job to make sure I monitor these guys. We already had one mishap with Jacoby and those things happen but if I can spot it and feel it than I am going to make sure I take care of it. He is going to get his work. He has to get his work to get ready but we also have to be smart and we are trying to be smart with our team. We had some situations today where I let them bang a little bit and we were excited about it, but just a little bit. You know, because I think a little bit will add up as we go. Again, I have to do a great job by getting this team prepared, ready to play, and through the pre-season, but get these guys to Denver where it really counts and make this do what it needs to do.

Q: With this draft, what did you see with Denarius Moore and what do you see out here?

Coach Jackson: I see a guy that has a zest with making big plays. He is extremely gifted, talented, and can catch the ball. I've seen the same things out here. He looks like he belongs and it's not too big for him. He has done a great job with the installation and he has handled that well. Then he has come out here and competed. He doesn't shy away from the big guys. He wants to get up there against the Stanford Routt's and the C.J. (Chris Johnson) and anybody else that we put out there, so I really like the young man. He has done a terrific job.

Q: Latest on Jacoby and how long? Has he had surgery or has to have surgery?

Coach Jackson: I don't think it is going to be something that is real long. I think he will be ready for the opener there is no question in my mind. He is a fast healer; he knows he will be ready when it is time to be ready.

Q: have any idea when he can practice?

Coach Jackson: No, I am one of those guys that try to stay away from the doctors. I kind of try to give it to players. Obviously the doctors give me an idea. I know they say it is something that we are going to get through pretty fast here and obviously nobody knows how fast people heal. I know Jacoby thinks he can be out there tomorrow, knowing him but it is going to take a little time, but we will get him healed up and we will get him back out there on the field.

Q: Is there any pins in there or anything?

Coach Jackson: Let me say this, his hand is looking pretty good to me right now. He has it wrapped up and he is going to be fine.

Q: Kamerion Wimbley, he is off because of his new deal?

Coach Jackson: Absolutely, Kamerion Wimbley, new Raider, free agent. That is one of our signings so write that down; everybody. No, that is what it is and obviously he falls into the old rules so he couldn't practice. He will be up and ready to go on Thursday but again just our organization continuing to lock up a good young talent. Kamerion Wimbley what a terrific few days of practice he was having and then all of a sudden we got the deal done. Now all of a sudden he is a free agent. He is here and he is ours.

Q: Did Kamerion Wimbley surprise you last year?  

Coach Jackson: No, he never surprised me because I was in the same division with him, the AFC North. I was at Cincinnati, played against him, and I did the same at Baltimore so I know what he is. He's a tremendous young player and has nothing but an unbelievable upside ahead of him. He had like nine sacks a year ago, and I expect more of that. I think he'll do that for this organization.

Q: The deal, economically, is good for Kamerion Wimbley, but it clears up space in theory to pursue other free agents, as well as your own. Do you still feel good about Zach Miller as he was up in Seattle today apparently?

Coach Jackson: As I said yesterday, it's an ongoing process. At some point in time, it's going to be war. Zach was a Raider last year and we want him to be a Raider now. I think that thing is going to come to a hit here real soon, it has to. I feel good about where we are. Hopefully, he'll get back to us and we'll get back to him and we'll try to get something resolved.

Q: Mike Mitchell wasn't in practice today. Was he hurt?

Coach Jackson: No, again, guys I will describe them as nicks so he's a little bit nicked up. So, if a guy is not a hundred percent or a guy has a little tweak, I'm going to do everything on the side of caution. I'm going to keep him out until we get his body, or whatever it is calmed down and he's ready to go. I'm going to do that with any player and every player. It's just the nature of this lockout and what it's done to knowing your team from a physical standpoint. I think you have to be very cautious with your team that way, not how they practice and that's not what I'm saying. I think when you know a player and you see a player who loves to practice and something's not right, you have to know that there is something that needs to be taken care of.

Q: Have you kicked the tires on Lofa Tatupu?

Coach Jackson: I'm going to kick the tires on anybody that's out there that can help the Raiders. It's not so much kicking the tires, but I want to know if a guy can come in here and help us win. Again, I keep on saying that until this season starts, this is an ongoing process. We're going to keep continuing to bring players in and see if they fit the Raider way. We want to find guys that want to play like a Raider, so we have an idea of what that is and those are the guys we're going after. If we can put them on our team in the right situation for us, that's what we're going to do.

Q: Lofa Tatupu is a middle linebacker. Rolando McClain is a middle linebacker. Do you look at it that way or do you look at it like we have this need?

Coach Jackson: Well obviously, we know 55 is going to be the middle linebacker, we aren't changing that. But if a guy can come in and play alongside of him with the rest of our group and compete, we're going to take a look at him and see if we can fit him. We're going to continue to improve this football team and we're not going to stop trying to get better. We're chasing greatness here and if you're going to chase it, you have to have the players to do so.

Q: How is David Ausberry making that transition from wide receiver to tight end?

Coach Jackson: Boy is he fast. He's doing a heck of a job; he's competing and he's tough, a little tougher than I thought he would be. He's not shying away and it's new to him with getting into the stance, standing next to a tackle, but he has the body type. I think Adam Henry is doing a great job of coaching him and bringing him along. He has a lot of upside, he's a talent, and I'm glad he's here.

Q: Is Taiwan Jones still a bit nicked up?

Coach Jackson: Yes, absolutely. Obviously, Taiwan is one of those fast guys and when those fast guys get nicked up, sometimes it takes a little longer. But, he'll be fine and he's excited and can't wait to get back out here. Again, there's no rush and we're not trying to rush anybody back so that we can continue to have lingering things. We're going to take our time with all those guys who have the issues until we know we can put them back out there and they can compete like we want them to.

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