A diferencia de los dos partidos más recientes que habían disputado, donde buscaban remar contra corriente en los últimos cinco minutos de la regulación, durante su juego de horario estelar de lunes por la noche los Malosos jugaron prácticamente todo el cuarto parcial con la ventaja en el marcador y supieron preservarla con una defensa abrumadora que robó el ovoide tres veces en el partido y una ofensiva que hizo lo suficiente para poder cortar una racha de tres derrotas al volver a la senda de la victoria con un triunfo de 17-13 sobre Green Bay.
"Se siente bien, necesitamos hacer este sentimiento (de ganar) uno del que estemos acostumbrados", dijo Davante Adams tras vencer al equipo con el que jugó los primeros ocho años de su carrera en la NFL. "Hicimos lo suficiente para conseguir la victoria, pero (el producto) todavía no se ve como quisiéramos. Al final del día necesitas hacer lo necesario para ganar, pero hay otro nivel al que podemos llegar".
Jimmy Garoppolo hizo su regreso al emparrillado tras perderse un juego por estar en el protocolo de conmociones cerebrales, completando 22 pases para 208 yardas y una anotación, con Jakobi Meyers siendo su objetivo más continuo al tener 7 recepciones para 75 yardas y una anotación. Por primera vez en la temporada 2023, la ofensiva de los Raiders tuvo múltiples series en las que realizaron al menos 10 jugadas y acumularon por encima de 60 yardas. Ambas terminaron con los Malosos metiéndose a la zona de anotación. El equipo busca hacerlo de manera más constante, pero este fue un buen inicio.
"Trabajamos bastante en eso durante la semana", aseguró Jakobi Meyers. "Nos enfocamos en completar series y ejecutar jugadas. Es para lo que jugamos, el estar en series así donde los cansamos porque sabemos que nosotros no estamos cansados. Lo disfrutamos."
La defensa se robó los reflectores en este encuentro, teniendo el primer partido donde generaron tres pérdidas de balón desde el 17 de Octubre del 2021 cuando tuvieron cuatro ante Denver. Robert Spillane predicó desde que arribó como agente libre durante la temporada baja 2023 sobre lo importante que es quitarle el ovoide al rival y tras no hacerlo en los primeros tres juegos de la campaña, la defensa de los Raiders acumula cuatro entre los últimos dos partidos (una intercepción contra los Cargadores y tres intercepciones frente a los Empacadores).
"(Necesitamos) seguir confiando en el proceso," declaró Spillane. "Cada dia estamos orientados en nuestro proceso. Vemos el resultado, limpiamos las cosas y seguimos hacia adelante. Haremos lo mismo de aquí en adelante".
La unidad comandada por el coordinador Patrick Graham limitó a Green Bay a solo 51 yardas en 21 jugadas durante el último cuarto, donde los Empacadores tuvieron tres series ofensivas, la última de ellas siendo en la que buscaban darle la vuelta al marcador en el minuto final del partido. Jordan Love buscó a Christian Watson profundo en las diagonales, pero Amik Robertson se interpuso en su camino al alcanzarlo dentro de la zona de anotación e interceptó el pase para sellar el triunfo de los Raiders. 'El Lobo' Robertson había tenido participación limitada en los primeros tres partidos de Las Vegas, pero con las lesiones de Nate Hobbs y Jakorian Bennett, entró al quite y brilló en el momento más importante para los Malosos.
"Tengo que estar listo cuando digan mi numero, ese es quien soy", dijo Robertson. "Sé que tengo la habilidad de hacer jugadas por dentro y por fuera, solo estoy buscando la oportunidad de estar en el campo cada fin de semana. Solo tengo que seguir aprovechando cuando se dan esas oportunidades".
Y vaya que sí aprovechó su oportunidad en uno de los escenarios más grandes de la NFL durante un partido en horario estelar.
Una de las jugadas sin la que no se puede contar la historia del partido es una donde Marcus Peters acabó cometiendo una falta, pero que ese castigo evitó que Green Bay anotara un touchdown. En primera y diez desde la yarda 17 de su campo, Jordan Love conectó en un pase largo con Christian Watson, quien se dirigía a la zona de anotación hasta que Peters lo tacleó por la espalda sosteniendo el cuello de su jersey. Ese castigó le costó tres yardas a los Raiders (al ser cometido en la yarda 6), pero la defensa acabó capitalizando al limitar el daño de los Empacadores a solo un gol de campo al no permitir que avanzaran más allá de la línea de golpeo en las tres jugadas consecuentes. Esos acabaron siendo los últimos puntos anotados por los Packers.
"Hablé con Marcus (Peters), es el castigo correcto", comentó el entrenador Josh McDaniels sobre la jugada. "Es una jugada muy inteligente en un momento crítico del partido. Si es en el primer cuarto en la mitad del campo no quieres un castigo tipo 'horsecollar'. Pero si estás evitando un touchdown en una jugada grande, por lo menos te estás dando la oportunidad de jugar otro set de downs, que es lo que pasó y luego la defensa elevó su nivel. Creo que la unidad en gran parte jugó bien."
La ofensiva todavía no carbura de la manera en la que el staff de coacheo tiene la intención de tenerla, pero la defensa se puso al equipo a los hombros y aprovechó que entraron a la serie final con la ventaja para poder hacer jugadas importantes que le dieron la victoria al equipo.
Ahora se le presentan dos oponentes consecutivos a los Raiders con marcas negativas, ya que el próximo domingo recibirán a los Patriotas de Nueva Inglaterra (1-4) y posteriormente visitarán a los Osos de Chicago (1-4) el 22 de Octubre.
Para comenzar una racha ganadora primero necesitas un triunfo y lo consiguieron ante Green Bay, ahora viene la oportunidad de arrancar esa seguidilla de triunfos con el partido ante los Patriotas. La victoria ante Green Bay no fue la más limpia, pero como dijo el gran Al Davis: "Just Win Baby".
View photos from the Raiders' Week 5 matchup against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Tre'von Moehrig (25) and linebacker Robert Spillane (41) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders linebacker Divine Deablo (5) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders linebacker Robert Spillane (41) and safety Tre'von Moehrig (25) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) and defensive tackle Bilal Nichols (91) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Davante Adams (17) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders tight end Austin Hooper (81) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders punter AJ Cole (6) and safety Tre'von Moehrig (25) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders punter AJ Cole (6) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Marcus Peters (24) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Tyree Wilson (9) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Roderic Teamer (33) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Tre'von Moehrig (25) and safety Roderic Teamer (33) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Amik Robertson (21) and linebacker Divine Deablo (5) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Amik Robertson (21) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders fans during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders tight end Michael Mayer (87) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Tre Tucker (11) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders guard Dylan Parham (66) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders center Andre James (68) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver DeAndre Carter (3) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders punter AJ Cole (6) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders punter AJ Cole (6) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders linebacker Divine Deablo (5) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

The Las Vegas Raiders defense during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Marcus Peters (24) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Amik Robertson (21) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

The Las Vegas Raiders huddle during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders tight end Michael Mayer (87) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Ameer Abdullah (22) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Davante Adams (17) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Jakobi Meyers (16) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Jakobi Meyers (16) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) hands the ball off to wide receiver DeAndre Carter (3) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Jakobi Meyers (16) runs after making a 9-yard touchdown catch during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Jakobi Meyers (16) dives into the end zone after making a 9-yard touchdown catch during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Jakobi Meyers (16) celebrates with tight end Michael Mayer (87) after making a 9-yard touchdown catch during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Jakobi Meyers (16) celebrates with wide receiver DeAndre Carter (3) after making a 9-yard touchdown catch during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders linebacker Robert Spillane (41) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders linebacker Divine Deablo (5), cornerback Tyler Hall (37) and defensive tackle Bilal Nichols (91) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Malcolm Koonce (51) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver DeAndre Carter (3) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders center Andre James (68) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Jakobi Meyers (16) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders guard Greg Van Roten (70) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Hunter Renfrow (13) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Amik Robertson (21) and defensive end Malcolm Koonce (51) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) on the bench during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Tre'von Moehrig (25) on the bench during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver DeAndre Carter (3) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders punter AJ Cole (6) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Ameer Abdullah (22) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders linebacker Luke Masterson (59) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders returners coach and coaching assistant Danny Amendola and running back Ameer Abdullah (22) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) and cornerback Marcus Peters (24) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Isaiah Pola-Mao (20) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Davante Adams (17) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Davante Adams (17) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) rushes for a 2-yard touchdown during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) rushes for a 2-yard touchdown during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) is congratulated after rushing for a 2-yard touchdown during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) celebrates with running back Brandon Bolden (34) after rushing for a 2-yard touchdown during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders guard Greg Van Roten (70) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders kicker Daniel Carlson (2) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive tackle Bilal Nichols (91) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Marcus Peters (24) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Amik Robertson (21) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) and defensive end Isaac Rochell (96) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders linebacker Robert Spillane (41) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Roderic Teamer (33), linebacker Robert Spillane (41) and safety Tre'von Moehrig (25) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Jakobi Meyers (16) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Brandon Bolden (34) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Marcus Peters (24) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders center Andre James (68) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Ameer Abdullah (22) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Marcus Peters (24) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders linebacker Robert Spillane (41) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Tyree Wilson (9) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Marcus Peters (24) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Tre'von Moehrig (25) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Amik Robertson (21) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Amik Robertson (21) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Marcus Epps (1), cornerback Amik Robertson (21), cornerback Tyler Hall (37) and safety Tre'von Moehrig (25) during the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders fullback Jakob Johnson (45) in the locker room after the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders Head Coach Josh McDaniels and safety Marcus Epps (1) in the locker room after the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs (8) and Head Coach Josh McDaniels in the locker room after the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Marcus Epps (1) and quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) in the locker room after the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) in the locker room after the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders center Andre James (68) in the locker room after the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders Head Coach Josh McDaniels addresses his players in the locker room after the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Jakobi Meyers (16) in the locker room after the regular season home game against the Green Bay Packers at Allegiant Stadium.