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Week 1: Raiders at Chargers

Derek Carr Learning How to be NFL QB

Q: How did today go for you?

Carr:"Great. As a rookie, you have to go out here and get better every day. I have tons of things to work on, so I'm just continuing to make sure I work on any and everything that I can get better at."

Q: How much more comfortable are you right now than when you arrived at rookie mini-camp?

Carr:"Oh man, never comfortable. Even my senior year in college, I was never comfortable. I'm not satisfied with being alright or just good. I want to push myself to be the best that I can at everything. I try not to ever let myself get comfortable."

Q: I know it's early and coach [Dennis Allen] said not to look too much into it, but after three weeks of OTAs you've technically jumped ahead of Matt McGloin to that two spot. What do you think the coaches have seen in you to make that move?

Carr:"I don't know. Stuff that they do, and the decisions they make; I stay out of that stuff. I just come out here and try to work on what I need to work on, and that's a lot. I'm just really just focused on trying to be a great teammate and trying to be a better quarterback each and every day."



]( What areas do you think you've improved on the most?

Carr:"I don't know. That's a question that Coach Flip [John DeFilippo] would know better. He sees me every day. He's my quarterback coach, so he would be able to tell you better. Me, I just come out here and listen to him. Whatever he has to say, I just try to get better at those things."

Q: The amount of reps that you've earned out there, is that what you expect of yourself?

Carr:"I expect myself to come out here and compete. Coach [Dave] Schramm told me at Fresno State, 'Don't count your reps, make your reps count.' All I try to do is go out there, each and every play, be out there thinking, make sure I know what my assignment is and do it to the best of my ability."

Q: The coaches always say during these periods that they like to throw a bunch of information at you all at once to see how you deal with it. Has that been true? Have they really tried to throw a bunch of information at you, and how has that gone?

Carr:"They throw a lot at you. They expect a lot out of you, and they should. We're all professionals who are expected to do a lot of things. I love it, because I love football. The more you throw at me, the more I challenge myself in all those things, so it's exciting for me. It's definitely true though, they throw a lot at your and they expect a lot out of you."



]( What are some of the major differences from what you did at Fresno State to the transition to the pro game, not only from the scheme and the plays, but also from the personnel?

Carr:"Oh my goodness, it's so fast. These guys are the best in the world. They were the best at their college; they come here and now there's not another level. These guys are fast. They know what they're doing. They fly around. They're physical. Coverage wise, you see the same kind of coverages, and those things. Some things are different, some things are similar, but obviously when you get to the NFL, these guys are real talented."

Q: As you've gone through this period and you've maybe been able to handle what they throw at you, has your confidence increased just a tick?

Carr:"I'm the same guy every day. If I throw five touchdowns or five picks, my confidence isn't going to be shot, my confidence isn't going to be out the roof. I'm the same guy every single day, and you can ask people that know me, because that's the truth. I can go out here, like today, and fumble snaps and I'm still going to be the same guy like I just threw three touchdowns. I'm going to go out here and I'm going to compete and I'm going to get better, every single day that I can."

Q: You have one more day before you guys break and come back; have you thought about some of the things that you want to improve on?

Carr:"Everything. Nothing in particular. I said before, once you feel good about something and you set it off to the side and try to work on other things, you forget how you did it. I try to work on absolutely everything, and taking things day by day. Obviously you can't do everything in one day, so you split it up throughout the week, but I make sure I have a plan on what I need to do better and make sure I execute that plan when we have our time off in July."

Q: Coach said that [Matt] Schaub is doing an outstanding job, so as a competitor, do you want to get as close to Schaub as possible and try to push a healthy competition?

Carr:"Absolutely. For me, I don't look at who's next to me, or any of those things. I try to push myself to be better every single day. I try and make a throw, and the routes on air... 'Oh I threw it bad last time, I'm going to throw it better this time.' It's little things like that, that maybe you don't see in a team drill or things like that, that I think about. I don't think about the depth chart. I don't think about who's in the room or anything like that. I just come out here and I work. I keep my mouth shut, I keep my head down and I just go to work. Eventually hard work will pay off."


Q: What do you plan on doing to come into training camp taking everything that you've learned and going right into the next stage?**

Carr:"Just making sure you stay in it. You can't just take it, all these things that I've learned so far, and then just throw it out the door and not think about it. You have to take time every day in the playbook and watching film. You have to take time every day doing those things. That's my mindset this coming July. Doing those things, making sure that every day I'm planning my time out where I'm doing that."

Q: Will you work with Coach [Mike] Sullivan again during this stretch, or are you mostly on your own at this point?

Carr:"I haven't even thought about it. Honestly, I haven't even thought about it. My mindset is that I'm just going to continue to take what my coaches are telling me. What Coach Flip and Coach Ollie [Greg Olson] and Coach Allen are telling me to do, and I'm going to go out and do those things. I'll probably be around here some, so I'll make sure I can get in here and get the work in."

Q: How has it been for you since the day you got here to now, as far as learning the terminology, calling the plays in the huddle, and just your general feel of being an NFL quarterback?

Carr:"It's night and day from where I was. You get here and you don't know what even the simplest word means, to where we're at now. From that standpoint, I feel good. I just have to keep continuing to get better, but like I said, never comfortable. As soon as I let myself get comfortable, you all should kick me out of here. I'll never do that. I have a lot of things to work on and I plan on doing that."

Q: How does the arm feel?


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