Otro Raider pronto se pondrá una chaqueta dorada.
El ex defensivo de los Raiders Eric Allen ha sido seleccionado para el Salón de la Fama del Fútbol Americano Profesional de la Clase 2025.
Elegido originalmente por los Eagles en la segunda ronda del Draft de la NFL de 1988, Allen se unió a los Raiders tras siete años con los Eagles y tres con los Saints. Durante cuatro temporadas con el equipo, participó en 58 partidos con 56 titularidades con los Plata y Negro e interceptó15 pases para 256 yardas y tres touchdowns, ayudando a los Raiders a ganar la AFC Oeste en 2000 y 2001, tras dos campañas consecutivas de 8-8 en sus dos primeros años en Oakland.
Seis veces elegido al Pro Bowl y una vez al equipo All-Pro, Allen acumuló 54 intercepciones a lo largo de sus 14 años de carrera en la NFL.
"Me enfrentaba a él en los entrenamientos todos los días cuando éramos compañeros en Oakland", dijo Rich Gannon. "Lo vi cubrir a Tim Brown y Jerry Rice en los entrenamientos. Teníamos a Eric en un lado y a Charles Woodson en el otro. Tengo una perspectiva única de quién era y lo bueno que era. Era el mejor con el que he jugado o contra el que he jugado disimulando sus intenciones. Te mostraba presión cuando estaba jugando cerca. Se alejaba cinco yardas, luego se acercaba y te golpeaba".
Allen es el único jugador en la historia de la NFL con dos temporadas con al menos tres intercepciones devueltas para touchdown. Su récord en una sola temporada de más intercepciones devueltas para touchdowns (cuatro en 1993) se mantuvo durante 30 años.
"En mi tercer año en Oakland, Eric interceptó seis pases", recuerda Charles Woodson. "Tres de ellos fueron pick-sixes. Entonces tenía 35 años. A esa edad, puede que no tengas la velocidad o las habilidades naturales que tenías cuando tenías 23-24 años. Pero los grandes jugadores adquieren conocimientos y experiencia a lo largo de los años y los aprovechan más adelante en sus carreras".
"Eric era un estudioso del juego. Que hiciera ese tipo de jugadas en sus treintas te muestra cómo se ve un miembro del Salón de la Fama".
Allen y el resto de la Clase 2025 serán honrados en Canton durante una ceremonia que se celebrará en el Salón en agosto.
Take a look at some of the top photos from defensive back Eric Allen's Hall of Fame career as a Raider.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.

Eric Allen joined the Raiders after seven years with the Eagles and three with the Saints. Over four seasons with the Silver and Black, he appeared in 58 games with 56 starts in the Silver and Black and picked off 15 passes for 256 yards and three touchdowns.