Raiders Dará Batalla en Miami
Los Oakland Raiders realizarán su segundo viaje de la temporada cuando visiten a los Miami Dolphins el domingo 23 de septiembre a las 10:00 a.m. PT. Será el segundo año consecutivo en que los Raiders viaje a Miami. El año pasado Oakland derrotó a los Dolphins, 27-24, en partido de Domingo por la Noche durante la Semana 9 de la temporada 2017.
Datos Básicos
Fecha: Domingo 23 de Septiembre
Patada Inicial: 10:00 a.m. PT
Lugar: Hard Rock Stadium
Capacidad/Superficie: 65,326/Pasto Natural
Serie Temporada Regular: Raiders, 17-16-1
Serie Postemporada: Raiders, 3-1
En la Semana 2 los Raiders perdieron un cerrado encuentro en contra de su rival divisional, los Denver Broncos, por marcador de 19-20 con un gol de campo de ultimo momento. Durante el partido Derek Carr y Amari Cooper tuvieron buenos desempeños. Carr lanzó su primer pase de anotación de la temporada al conectar con Seth Roberts en un pase de 20 yardas, uno de sus 29 pases completos de 32 intentos para un porcentaje de 90.6%. Ese porcentaje impuso marca de franquicia y es el cuarto mejor en la historia de la NFL en un partido. Cooper superó las 100 yardas por primera ocasión en el 2018 al atrapar 10 pases para 116 yardas. En la lista histórica del equipo, Cooper esta en séptimo lugar en partidos con 100 yardas o más al sumar 12 en su carrera. Aparte Cooper rebasó las 3,000 yardas en su carrera, convirtiéndose en uno de tres Raiders en lograr superar esa marca en sus primeros 50 partidos (Fred Biletnikoff y Warren Wells).
El Entrenador Adam Gase está en su tercer año con Miami y tiene marca de 18-16 al frente de los Dolphins quienes cuentan con marca de 2-0 en el 2018 después de derrotar a los New York Jets, 20-12, en la Semana 2.
La semana próxima los Raiders regresarán a casa en lo que será su segundo partido como local del 2018 para enfrentar a los Cleveland Browns. Será la primera ocasión en que los Browns visiten Oakland desde el 2012. Los Dolphins visitará New England para enfrentar a los Patriots en la Semana 4.
Televisión y Radio
Estación: CBS
Narración: Greg Gumbel
Analista: Trent Green y Bruce Arians
Campo: Melanie Collins
Estación: KCBS
Narración: Brent Musburger
Analista: Lincoln Kennedy
Campo: Chris Townsend
Estación: La Z 1490-AM/107.5-FM
Narración: Fernando Arias
Analista: Ambrosio Rico
Oakland Raiders safety Erik Harris and linebacker Kyle Wilber teamed up with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to hand out food to families in San Leandro, CA.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.

Oakland Raiders players work with the Alameda County Community Food Bank Mobile Pantry to sort and distribute food to low-income families at Ashland Village Apartments, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, in San Leandro, California.