Photos: Raiders surprise local teacher with Super Bowl LVIII tickets
The Las Vegas Raiders spent the morning at Marvin M. Sedway Middle School to surprise teacher Demeasa Heard with tickets to Super Bowl LVIII.

Cheerleaders enter the classroom of Marvin M. Sedway Middle School teacher Demesasa Heard as she is named teacher of the year and is surprised with tickets to Super Bowl LVIII.

Raiderettes Jordie and Claudia enter the classroom of Marvin M. Sedway Middle School teacher Demesasa Heard as she is named teacher of the year and is surprised with tickets to Super Bowl LVIII.

Marvin M. Sedway Middle School principal LaToya Jordan Brown surprises teacher Demeasa Heard with the news that she is the teacher of the year at Marvin M. Sedway Middle School.

Marvin M. Sedway Middle School teacher Demesasa Heard is surprised with tickets to Super Bowl LVIII.

Las Vegas Raiders alumnus Keith Moody presents Marvin M. Sedway Middle School teacher Demesasa Heard with tickets to Super Bowl LVIII.

Las Vegas Raiders alumnus Keith Moody presents Marvin M. Sedway Middle School teacher Demesasa Heard with tickets to Super Bowl LVIII.

Las Vegas Raiders alumnus Keith Moody presents Marvin M. Sedway Middle School teacher Demesasa Heard with tickets to Super Bowl LVIII.

Raiderettes Jordie and Claudia, Las Vegas Raiders alumnus Keith Moody, Marvin M. Sedway Middle School principal LaToya Jordan Brown and teacher Demeasa Heard pose for a photo after Heard was surprised with tickets to Super Bowl LVIII.

Raiderettes Jordie and Claudia film a video with cheerleaders at Marvin M. Sedway Middle School.

Raiderettes Jordie and Claudia, students and Marvin M. Sedway Middle School teacher Demesasa Heard pose for a photo with tickets to Super Bowl LVIII.