TJ Carrie and Dan Kistler spent Saturday morning at Emerson Elementary School helping refurbish their playground in conjunction with the Playworks Refurbishment Project.
"We're doing a little remodeling for the elementary," said Carrie. "Giving the kids a little brightened up opportunity to come out here and have fun."
CB TJ Carrie, OL Dan Kistler and Raiders staff helped Playworks refurbish the playground at Emerson Elementary School in Oakland.
Carrie, Kistler and the students participated in a variety of activities including a playground cleanup, painting lines for fields on the playground, specifically a football field that will serve hundreds of children as a designated safe play zone.
The Oakland Raiders awarded Playworks $35,000 as the recipient of the 2014 Youth Fitness Zone Grant to help aid the organization in a two-part project that will create safe places and opportunities for children to play and be physically active.
I think this is a great opportunity for us to come out as a community as a whole," Carrie said. "Everyone is out here helping in their own part, so hopefully when they come out on Monday for recess, it'll be good for them to see and experience a new thing."