I want to start with a story.
You all know Clelin Ferrell. Well, Clelin and my buddy from school Denzel Johnson, we all came in to Clemson together. And basically, we love to fish. Fishin', fishin', fishin'. We went fishing all the time.
And Denzel thought of this great celebration to do after a big play: He casts an imaginary line, catches a fish and reels it in, then grabs it by the mouth and holds it up. And we were all like, yeah! That's incredible! We love it.
The problem was, Denzel and I weren't playing much at the time. We were doing a lot of special teams and things like that, but we weren't making a lot of huge plays. But you know who was? Cle.
So that next week when Cle gets a sack… and he does the celebration.
And it just destroyed Denzel. That's our running joke now, every time we see each other — that he swiped Denzel's idea.
That celebration is Cle's; there's no going back now. Plus, if you ask him, he'll be like, nah, that was my idea. He'll always deny it 'til he dies.
But we know the truth.